Wednesday, November 26, 2008

September 4th, 2008

September 4th, 2008

Tomorrow is approaching rapidly. I am nervous, but excited. I have narrowed down what my first week is going to look like, or at least what I think it will look like. I have chosen my problems, at least. I decided that I would take the first two or three classes introducing the problem solving approach and let the students ease their way into it. My first item on the agenda is to explain and illustrate, through a problem, that the first step to problem solving is to make sure you understand the problem. I will talk about things students can do if they are stuck and how to go about getting unstuck. I am going to begin by posing the problem, entitled “Find that Homework”. This is how it reads:

Before excusing the class, the teacher said that their assignment that night was to 'find' their homework. She said that the homework assignment was on two facing pages in their text and the sum of the two page numbers equaled 65. What homework pages were assigned?

--- What are the homework pages if the two pages total equals 100?

--- What are the homework pages if three pages are assigned and the total is 135?

I hope all goes well.

As a part of my assessment, I have decided I would develop a unit assessment sheet for each unit of work, where I can keep track of student achievement and note any difficulties they had with each outcome. This is what would go home at the end of the unit, along with all work completed, to let mom and dad know how their child was doing in math. Here is a copy of unit one:

Grade 6 Mathematics

Unit 1: Number Sense

Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________




Needs Work

Evidence of Achievement

Assessment Notes:

A1: represent, estimate and order numbers using fractions and decimals to billions

A2: represent, compare and order fractions and decimals

A7: read and write whole numbers to billions using standard and expanded form

A8: demonstrate an understanding of place value

B1: compute products of whole numbers and whole numbers and decimals to thousandths

B7: solve and create problems involving whole numbers

B9: estimate products and quotients involving whole numbers and whole numbers and decimals

F4: use bar graphs to display data


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